community supported art
Earth Rings Like a Bell
The Giving Shapes is releasing our sophomore EP, Earth Rings Like a Bell, as a CSA box. Much like Community Supported Agriculture, where subscribers receive regular bounty from a farm, this Community Supported Art is a subscription box featuring a different art object to accompany the monthly release of our 5 new songs. We have collaborated with some of our favourite makers on this special project! Featuring offerings from local artisans such as General Strike, Double Vision Studio, Eva Dominelli and Meghan Hildebrand, each month’s gift will correspond to a different sense, and has been specifically designed to be paired with the accompanying song.
Releasing on the last Friday of every month starting in December 2023, the first offering will arrive in time to make this a wonderful Christmas gift that will keep on giving into the new year.
This 5 month art campaign will culminate in a release show at La Fabrique St. George in Vancouver in spring 2023.
5 songs
5 experiential art objects
5 months of engaging the senses
order in time for christmas!

Here's how it works:
What's included
For $60, you will get 5 monthly CSA deliveries to your home, coinciding with the release of a new song. Each delivery is an art-object made by a collaborating local artisan, designed specifically for experiencing in tandem with the music.
Shipping within Canada is a $20 flat fee for the duration of the subscription. For international orders, items will be mailed out together in one shipment in early 2024.
There is an optional add-on to receive early-bird pricing ($10) tickets to our release show in Vancouver, BC in late spring 2023